Thursday, April 17, 2008

New York

New York...The BIG Apple...The city that never sleeps. Whenever I come across the name, the first thing that comes to my mind is the un-ending series of sirens that sounds across the city whole night and day. It can be so AnooOOoying, believe me! Anyway, I just blasted my MTV on the tube whenever I'm back in my hotel room. Haaa.. That was many years back; I was there on vacation for about 10 days and it was way too short cos there's just too much to see. The sheer size of it is indescribable, hence earning herself a reputation of being an Alpha World City.

Famous scenes - Mr King Kong himself trying to save Naomi Watts from the fall. I can even pinpoint "the phone booth" used by Colin Farrell in his movie. Afro singer/writer Maxwell or is it Lenny Kravitz entering a Hip-Hop club, while Black Hawk is Down on top of Statue of Liberty.
New York City skyline is filled with many impressive buildings - Statue of Liberty, Chrysler Building, Rockefeller Tower, Trump Tower, Times Square etc with Brooklyn Bridge cutting across the East River. Big yellow taxi hurrying everywhere; Over-populated ambulances, police vehicles and road workers terrorising the area; Massive colorful bilboards signs litted over Manhattan. NYC is filled with many nationalities - I spotted a Jew, an Indian and some dude in his Hip-Hop outfit. Haa..

Some comments - I saw a manhole but where's the steam coming out from it? Where's the ice skating ring in Central Park? Where's Macy's and Bloomingdale? How about Wall Street? Well, I guess with a city this size, you just can't fit everything into one.

Above image extracted from

1 comment:

Lee said...

I wish i have a legoland like this!